The threat of
cybercrime is very real and there have been a number of high profile attacks in
the last year and this only looks set to continue in 2019. Cybercrime is
something that both individuals and organizations need to consider and,
although new threats are constantly being developed, there are also
improvements being made to cybersecurity at the same rate. This means that it
is important to be aware of what the latest threats are so that you can find
ways to protect yourself. Therefore, here is a close look at a few of the main
online threats to be aware of in 2019:
1. Ransomware
Ransomware has
become one of the most common forms of online threat, and it is also one of the scariest. It is popular amongst
cybercriminals as it can deliver gigantic returns with little work put in and
it can be used against just about anyone. It effectively takes your computer
and files hostage until a payment is made, but even this may not secure your
sensitive information.
Ransomware is best
prevented through high-quality and up-to-date antivirus software, installing a firewall, and keeping all software up to
date. It is then a case of using your common sense when using the internet.
2. Phishing
Phishing has been
around as long as the internet, and this
is because it is a simple attack and one which can be easy to fall for if you
do not know what you are looking for. It involves posing as a trusted source so
that people share personal information (usernames, passwords, bank details, etc.) which can then be used for identity
Vigilance and
caution are the best methods for avoiding phishing, particularly when it is an
unsolicited email. Avoid suspicious links, look out for spelling mistakes and
avoid sharing personal information anywhere online.
3. Viruses & Worms
Similarly, viruses
and worms remain a huge threat, with new ones constantly being developed. A
virus will lay dormant in the system until opened where they can then infect the entire system. Worms,
meanwhile, spread throughout the machine and replicate to infect all of your
files. These are, essentially, the foundation for which all cyber threats are
As you would
expect, high-quality and up-to-date antivirus software and a firewall are the
best methods to protect yourself along with using your common sense online.
4. Container Attacks
technology is on the rise, and it is easy
to see why as it can bring so many benefits. Of course, with this growth comes
the risk of new threats and security issues with server security solutions not supporting the
same functionality.
Fortunately, it
can be easy to protect yourself with the container security best practices. These include implementing multi-stage
builds, leveraging CAP DROP and setting filesystem as read-only.
2019 will be a
year with a wide number of online threats, with the above being the main ones
to look out for. With this knowledge, along with up-to-date antivirus and
common sense, you should be able to fight off cybercrime this year.