If you look at the internet service providers available near your location, you will find that all of them are claiming to be the fastest that there is!
Therefore, it would be best to rely on our own understanding while choosing the best possible internet connection for home or business. As for what you need to understand, we have that part covered next.
Don’t Pay for Slower Internet
If you are about to install a new internet connection at your place of work or in your home, make sure that it’s fiber optic. Neither cable nor DSL comes anywhere close to being as fast or as reliable as fiber optic, so it should be the default choice in 2022. Unfortunately, not all areas have access to fiber optic internet connections yet, although that’s changing fast all around the States. For example, if you live in St. Charles County, you can now get access to 1,000Mbps (1Gbps) optic fiber connections from this internet service Josephville, MO.
Don’t Pay More than You Need to
Optic fiber connections may not even have a definable limit to the maximum net speed in theory, although that’s not exactly relevant to consumers. The cost, on the other hand, is most certainly relevant. Note that even a 100Mbps fiber connection will be much faster in real life usage than a 100Mbps DSL or cable connection because optic fiber lines have the lowest possible lag times (ping). Therefore, you don’t necessarily need to choose the highest plan your ISP is offering to get the speed you need. You can also monitor network speed to make sure you get the speed and quality you need.
Don’t Pay for Speed that You Cannot Use
If you opt for a 1,000Mbps plan and the connection is still using an ethernet port to connect to your PC or router, then the wired speed will stay limited to 100Mbps – 200Mbps. This means that an external PoE media converter is being used there, which limits the wired connection’s speed to the maximum speed (100Mbps – 200Mbps max) which your computer’s ethernet port can handle.
This limit can be easily erased by installing a compatible PCIe NIC card, but unless you have that setup, don’t pay for speed that you cannot use. Now, the wireless speed via a router can transcend such limits easily but check the specifications of your router to make sure that they can indeed route the internet speed allowed to you by your chosen plan. On the other hand, if the router is a Gigabit router that’s ready for fiber optic lines, this should not be an issue at all with your wireless connection speeds at least.
Finally, there is the question of options, because not every location has too many options for availing high quality internet connections. If fiber optic has not reached your location yet, then check to see if any of the providers near you can offer coaxial cable lines. As stated previously, optic fiber is leagues ahead of anything that cable net can offer, but coaxial cable connections are the next best options that we have.